Sunday, July 28, 2013

Enjoying Sainte Anne's

Friday we wandered around this little town looking for a post office. I had checked the internet and thought we knew where to find it. Finally asked a guy who said he was headed there himself but it was closed. A drug store down the street also does mail service so Ann did get her cards mailed. Next a 4 block walk to the grocery to reprovision. I had a leisurely afternoon with a nap and people watching while Ann looked for a beauty shop to have her hair cut., She got an appointment for Sat. Lots of boats around back and forth through the lock and stopping at the restaurants.

Condos across from us.

The wall and walkway.


Sat. we were off to the market again to get a few things we forgot. We put clothes in the laundromat to wash on the way.  The washers were $5 for a medium load but the dryers were .25 per minute so we brought the clothes back to the boat and ran the generators and used our dryer. We spotted a farmers market at the far end of the city dock and stopped on the way back to the boat. Bought a loaf of fresh bread and some squash for dinner. We were amazed at the the number of boats that they put into the lock at one time so we walked up to watch. Ann got her hair done and I got a nap before dinner.

Saturday afternoon stroll.

Off to the lock.

Our Chinese laundry!

The lock with floating dock. The next 2 have this.

Group hug! 19 boats.

Just down from us we saw them setting up a stage with lots of tables. It turns out we had a concert in our backyard for the evening. Not to loud and very pleasant music. It's supposed to rain today so the lockmaster doesn't expect as much traffic as yesterday. We plan to lock through later today and stay at the wall on the other side tonight so we can get an early start tomorrow. The first locking time in the morning is 10 am.

The concert being set up.

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