Friday, April 27, 2012

Finally in Solomons, MD

I arrived yesterday the 26th during a rainy afternoon. It was great to see Larry & Joan and of course Charis. We didn't get much done yesterday but did get one coat of bottom paint on today as well as sanding the boot stripe. Tomorrow early we will do the second coat to the bottom and try to get one coat on the boot stripe depending on weather. It has been a great day!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Yeah!!! The sale of Knot a Lot is complete. We closed on Tuesday the 17th and the new owner left for Jekyll Island, Ga. on Wednesday. I'm now focusing on Charis. I will drive up to Solomons MD. and take possession next week. I'm shopping insurance now and have the out of water survey completed. We expect to launch on April 30th and complete the survey on May 1st.