Thursday, August 29, 2013

Phoenix, NY, the home of the Bridge House Brats.

We arrived about noon in Phoenix. This is the home of the Bridge House Brats. This is a group of young kids that volunteer to help boaters at the city park. They will shop for them, wash their boats, walk pets, go pick up meals at local restaurants etc. They also maintain the park area and the old Bridge House museum. The are very eager to help and please. They do not accept tips but we gave a donation. Tomorrow will be the last leg of this year's journey and we are both feeling a little sad.

Entering Oswego harbor.

This guy came around us as we were tied up above lock 7 in Oswego.

Lock 7 ahead.

One of the Brats bringing us our complimentary drink in Phoenix.

The old bridge house museum.

The city park.