Sunday, June 22, 2014

Still in Brewerton.

Another week has passed and we are still here. After the injector nozzle replacement and returning from Niagara Falls, I noticed the fuel line coming off that injector was dripping. I first replaced the hose clamps and tightened them down. Still leaking. I ordered the fitting from the John Deere dealer and replaced it the next day. After running the engine to check the fix, the engine would not shut down with the shut off switch. Depressing it would sometimes result in a decrease in engine rpm and sometimes an increase in rpm. That had happened a few times last year and a good cleaning of all electrical connections took care of it. This time, nothing. I went over them several times. Finally a call to the John Deere dealer again brought the mechanic out the next day. He also checked all the electrical connections and all were good. The shut off solenoid is part of the fuel injector pump, so a call to a local shop that rebuilds them told him that if the solenoid was clicking then the metering valve was bad. But, they had at least a 6 day backlog before getting to it. Next step was to order a new pump which as with the other parts, I expected to arrive the next day. Not so, they had trouble finding one and it should be delivered next Tue. or Wed. We will swap them out and have the original rebuilt then shipped home to Florida.

So in the meantime we have just about completed all our get ready chores. Ann says she has cleaned and re-cleaned just about everything. Friday night we had docktails at the next marina with a couple that followed our blog last year and were heading to Lake Champlain. So we had a great time discussing our trip with them. Yesterday we finally got out on the water in the dinghy and traveled west to 2 different marinas. There were 5 or 6 looper boats in them. On the way back we stopped and talked with one boat, Burke and Stel on Estrellita out of Charleston, SC.  They stopped by later for a tour of Charis. 3 looper boats arrived here late in the day and after talking with a few of them about the problems they have encountered, I feel a bit better and thankful that ours happened here at the dock.

Being here in Brewerton, we have been able to attend church each Sunday. We found a church just north of here last year and have enjoyed going there. We keep our fingers crossed and keep praying for success this week.

Happy Hour!

Gary and Peg on Latis, heading for Lake Champlain.

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